Voters Take Charge – Major Election Reform

Save America from a two-party system that tears us apart

Make elections fair for all candidates and parties

Proportional Representation, 30% of the vote wins 30% of the seats

Two-Party War

Our two-party system amplifies division and penalizes cooperation.
The donor class rules with ease because we are too divided to work together.
Each election is more hostile than the last.

Improve Our Elections

Create incentives for civil campaigns.
Give voters and politicians more parties to choose from.
Include third parties and independents in primary elections.

Replace Choose 1 voting with Score voting

Rate every candidate 0-5. No vote splitting or spoilers.
Vote for your favorite with no harm to your 2nd choice.
Let voters reward civility and punish hostility.

Proportional Representation for Congress & State Legislatures

Represent the true will of American voters.
End gerrymandering and rigged redistricting.
Make every vote count and every election competitive.

Free our politicians from a system that does not work

Our politicians are not the problem. It is the system we put them in. Politicians are good people who work hard for their constituents and communities.

Make Our Votes Powerful!

Please participate

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