About Us

Organization Under Construction

We are so new we not even accepting donations

We are American citizens working for multi-party election reform.

Voters Take Charge advocates for proportional representation and better voting methods for single winner elections. We are working to improve federal, state, and local elections.

Our goal is a political system that better represents American voters and fosters cooperation and compromise.

We are locked into a two-party war. Cooperation is very difficult; compromise is barely possible. American voters and politicians need fair elections and a better political system.

Two party systems work only if the two parties cooperate. They do not. We need more parties to give voters and candidates more choices. More parties to give officeholders more options when looking for colleagues to collaborate with. More  parties to bring new ideas to a stagnant system.

Learn more about our Purpose and Plan.

We Demand Fair Elections Designed to Give Voters Power

We Have Room for You and Your Friends

We have a big tent: members of all the third-parties and unaffiliated voters of all persuasions, plus ardent Trump supporters and Bernie Bros. We even have some Democrats and Republicans. If nothing else, we want to prove that we can work together towards common goals.

Spread the Word!

Tell your friends! They will all like this cause. Show them our homepage. They can sign up for email updates on our progress.

Soon home page visitors will be able to sign the Multi-Party Election Reform petition, contact elected representatives, show support on social media, and volunteer.

Ask anybody this question: Do you have an interest in election reform. Tell them we support proportional representation, a party that wins 30% of the vote should get 30% of the seats.

If you have a website or a blog, please, please, please write about us and include a link. Perhaps pick a page of particular interest.

Coming Soon to Social Media

We will soon plant our flag on most social media outlets. We do need help with this.


We want to have fun! We will have volunteer groups across America. Activities include collecting petition, signatures, brainstorming, and letter writing. We will also have activities purely for fun.

One requirement, you must be willing and able to be friendly with people who disagree with your political opinions.

The coolest thing to do is to start a volunteer group in your community or help run an existing group.

We also need help and expertise in many areas, including social media promotion, lobbying, media relations, and web development.

More volunteer information

Politicians Free Yourself from a Broken System

We are looking for candidates and officeholders who will sponsor multi-party election reform. You and your colleagues should have more parties to choose from and a better system to work in.

Our nation is pulling apart. We need reform now. Please take part in creating a fair and effective political system for the people of the United States of America.


Voters Take Charge was started by Greg Wasleski, a concerned citizen who is a small business owner and political petition circulator. 😊

Organization and website under construction

Help Ignite Serious Election Reform
Organization & website under construction
We are so new we’re not asking for donations

Newsletter, Volunteers & Political Pros

Newsletter, Volunteers & Political Pros

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